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Digital Sketches – Personal Projects

2024-Now iPad & Procreate

More Drawings 4 U

From lovely, casual living room sketching sessions with my girlfriend to the Royal Oak Sketch | Meetup I regularly attend, here are some additional drawings for your viewing. Several pieces explore color and layout more adventurously than usual. Having previously focused on black and white, expanding into color has been a good time. I hope you like them!

Drawings & Sketches

Personal, Ongoing
Likely, you'll see more of what you've come to expect from me. More sketches from the sketch group, or from those moments spent in the living room with my girlfriend, channeling creative energy from my mind onto a canvas.

Glyphs With No Discernable Interpretation (But You May Have One If You Like)

Personal, Ongoing
A set of 12 glyphs I created as I was inspired by symbology and curved forms. I find the act of drawing lines to be therapeutic and calming, and in doing them over and over, they became a motif that I leaned into.

All website content © 2011—2024 Nathaniel Edmiston ☺