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Memories & Shadows In The Imaginary – James McHard

2015-2017 Professional Publication

Memories Through Music

The late author James McHard was at the time working on a biography of Julio Estrada, an esteemed musician hailing from Mexico. Alice McHard, his wife, worked at Lawrence Tech, my alma mater. She connected us and we worked together until his untimely passing - after which, I helped to get the book out.

It is a 400-some page book full of research, studies, compositions, math, and passages from Julio Estrada, mapped out and given context by James McHard. The book is broken down as a biography, with each chapter being a different part of his life, up to the current day. There is a break in the middle with full-color imagery which was provided by Julio Estrada and his family.

The work spanned over the course of two years - collecting documents, proofreading, layout, design, and indexing. My role was layout and design, typesetting each chapter and page. I worked with two colleagues who provided design for the covers and help with the indexing.

Here's one example of it in the real world ︎
And one more ︎ 

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